Tax Collection

Linda Ann Roth

The tax collector is responsible for the collection of all delinquent, current and future property taxes and conducting tax lien sales.  As the Tax Search Officer, the collector is also responsible preparing tax, lien and assessment searches.


Property taxes are mailed out once a year in the summer. Tax Bills consist of four quarters, the 3rd and 4th of the current year and the 1st and 2nd quarter of the following year.  If your bank or mortgage company has escrow for your taxes, the original bill will be sent to them and
the “advice” copy will be sent to you.

Tax bills are due on:

  • February 1st
  • May 1st
  • August 1st
  • November 1st

** All tax due dates have a 10-day grace period after which interest will be charged back to the due date.  Post marks are not accepted.

Delivery of Tax Bills: Per NJSA 54:4-64, failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve the homeowner from paying property taxes or delinquent interest.

New Homeowners: When there is a change of ownership, the tax bill is to be forwarded from the previous owner to the new owner.  If you are a new homeowner and have not received a tax or sewer bill, please contact the Borough Hall at 973-366-5312.

Change of Mailing Address: Please contact the Borough Hall for a change of address form.

Payment Options:

  • Mail tax payments to Borough Of Victory Gardens, 337 South Salem
    Street, Victory Gardens, Dover, NJ  07801
  • Pay in person at Borough Hall. Hours are M-F 8:00 a.m. -3:30 p.m.

Applications for tax deductions can be found under the forms section of the Borough’s website.  Please contact the Tax Department for any specific questions.

Below are property tax relief programs offered through the State of New Jersey:

  • Homestead benefit– Visit or call 1-888-238-1233.
  • Senior Freeze- the senior freeze program reimburses eligible residents
    for property tax increases on their principal residence.
  • Visit for information or call 1-800-882-6597.

Click HERE for Taxpayers' Bill of Rights
Understand your rights as a property tax payer